Rosacea Treatments In Duluth

Rosacea, which is often called flushing or redness in the face, is caused by tiny blood vessels below the skin’s surface becoming dilated. This allows more blood to flow, and your skin appears redder.
What Causes The Flushing Or Redness?
There are several causes behind why the capillaries dilate. Exercise, histamine (which is produced by your immune system and can be caused by allergies), and reduced estrogen due to menopause (known as a hot flash) are some of them.
With allergic reactions to certain foods (MSG, sodium nitrate—used in cured meats, and sulphites—used in alcohol), facial flushing may occur. Some drugs cause histamine production, while other drugs, which contain vasoactive Protein or prostaglandin, may cause dilated capillaries.
Chronic Flushing
If the flushing or redness is chronic, it may be a symptom of rosacea, which is often referred to as adult acne. There are no known causes for rosacea, but when the condition is mild, the cheeks and forehead redden and may sting to the touch. Red blood vessels, in the form of a spidery web, stretch across the impacted area. Severe rosacea often affects men—the nose may enlarge and the eyes may be damaged.

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