Weight Loss Medication
Semaglutide 12-Week Program: $599
Semaglutide 6-Week Program: $199
Semaglutide Savings, Made Simple
Experience a healthier you with flexible plans based on your budget and health goals.
Our 6-Week Program is now only $199 (Excluding shipping and syringes). You will receive 2.5mg of medication, designed for a gradual titration process tailored to your tolerance and your provider’s recommendation. Refills are available at $349.
Our 12-Week Program is now only $599 (Excluding shipping and syringes). You will receive 7.5mg of medication, designed for a gradual titration process tailored to your tolerance and your provider’s recommendation.
Advanced Dosing Program (12.5mg): $699 (OUR BEST VALUE OFFER!). Faster titration schedule for faster results!!! Includes bonus FREE vial of MICC vitamins
Tirzepatide Program 12-Week Program: $897
Month 1: $299 for 10 mg
Month 2: $299 for 20 mg
Month 3: $299 for 30 mg
12 Week Complete Program $897