Dermaplaning, chemical peels and enzyme treatments are all cosmetic treatments used to rejuvenate the look and feel of the skin. Each serves a different purpose and may be administered independently of each other. However, many people opt for a combination of dermaplaning and chemical peel service or dermaplaning with a foaming enzyme treatment in order to optimize treatment outcomes and achieve a smoother and more radiant complexion. Did you know… The skin begins to lose its glow over time? This is because the skin’s natural shedding of dead cells slows with age, causing it to appear dull and lackluster. Though new, healthy skin exists below the surface, it is often masked by an old and uneven external layer of skin. Dermaplaning with combination treatments help reveal healthy, glowing skin and restore a youthful appearance.
What Is Dermaplaning?
Put simply, dermaplaning is a skin procedure which uses a sharp dermaplaning tool to gently remove the small, fine hairs on your face. Typically the sharp tool is a 10-inch surgical scalpel which curves into a sharp point and is designed to be used on the clean, dry skin of your forehead, cheeks, chin and nose. The scalpel is used very gently scrape the surface of your face in light, feathering strokes to remove any hair. Despite sounding dangerous and terrifying, the entire procedure is virtually painless.

What is a chemical peel? A chemical peel is an in-office procedure during which an acid solution is applied to the surface of the face. The solution is left on for a few minutes, after which time it is removed or neutralized. Most people experience some mild tingling during a chemical peel, which usually takes only a few minutes to complete. Following a chemical peel, the skin may ‘flake off’ for a couple of days before revealing newer, healthier-looking skin beneath the surface. Chemical peels are useful for improving the appearance of the skin and conditions like hyperpigmentation, fine lines, sun damage, acne scars, and age spots.