How To Take Care Of Your Skin After Botox

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How To Take Care Of Your Skin After Botox

Botox Cosmetic remains one of the top non-invasive injectable procedures to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. It’s a safe and effective option that millions have found success with.

While many overlook the importance of proper aftercare for their skin post-Botox treatment, taking care of your skin after Botox is essential in ensuring optimal results and minimizing potential side effects. 

This blog post will provide handy aftercare tips (5 to be exact!) on how to care for your skin after receiving Botox injections. 

Whether you’re a first-time Botox patient — or a seasoned veteran — this information will help you maintain healthy, glowing skin.

Let’s get into it!

1. Avoid Excessive UV Exposure

Following your Botox appointment, it’s normal for your skin to be sensitive. While you don’t necessarily need to completely avoid the sun, it’s important to keep exposure at a minimum for at least a week after the injection. 

And make sure to always wear an SPF of 50 or higher (regardless if you’ve gotten Botox or not!)

2. Go Makeup-Free

It’s important to come to your appointment make-up free and avoid applying make-up following your procedure.

You want to avoid applying pressure to the injection site, and applying cosmetic products may stimulate the skin enough to cause the Botox to move around. The good news is, you should be safe to wear makeup the day after your appointment.

3. Hands-Off!

As mentioned before, applying pressure can cause Botox to move around, so avoid touching your face for at least 24 hours after.

Aside from spreading, touching your face while your skin is sensitive can cause redness, irritation, and even infection – so this is an extremely important tip to follow!

4. Choose Gentle Products

Avoid using topical products containing strong active ingredients such as Retinol, Retinoids, or Glycolic Acid following your procedure (at minimum a few days). These may irritate the already sensitive area.

Opt for light scent-free cleansers and moisturizers – and remember, avoid using these for at least 24 hours after which it’s safe to touch!

5. Follow Your Provider’s Aftercare Instructions

As always, defer to your provider’s recommendations and follow the complete list of aftercare instructions they give you; This usually includes staying upright for at least a few hours after your appointment and avoiding exercise for 24 hours to prevent added bruising or swelling. 

It’s normal to have some redness, bruising, and swelling following Botox injections, however, if you have any questions or concerns be sure to bring these up with your provider.

Their goal is to help you make the most out of your Botox procedure and ensure optimal results!

Duluth Med Spa Botox

Duluth Med Spa offers Botox at our Duluth, MN location.

Our providers are fully trained and highly experienced in administering Botox as well as a variety of other dermal fillers. They will work with you to better understand your skincare goals and come up with a personalized treatment plan. 

Are you ready to smooth crow’s feet around the eyes, soften frown lines between the eyebrows, and even reduce excessive sweating? Botox may be the answer for you!

Book your appointment today!

(218) 481-1800

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